This webinar is part of the European Data Market study. Infoshare has presented a case “Single and accurate view of citizens’ data” that was part of the overall study which aims to define, assess and measure the European data economy, supporting the achievement of the Data Value Chain policy of the European Commission. We are joining the webinar as a speaker to share our case.
The purpose of the webinar is to share a preliminary overview of the European big data market and to share some real-life stories by start-ups. It will present the preliminary findings on the big data market with the community and discuss the main trends, challenges and possible actions to foster an integrated EU data ecosystem. It will also offer the opportunity to bridge the gaps between the fragmented and disperse community of players in Europe and identify commonalities and opportunities for collaboration.
Date & time of webinar: Friday 21st November from 14h to 15h CET
How can I join? Register at: to receive the link
Do you have any questions? You can always mail us: or use twitter @eudatalandscape and #eudatalandscape
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