
Pets at Home: Understanding the customer is the first step in providing a better service

by Victoria Thomason

12 Jul 2021

pets at home logoCreating a 360-customer view has given Pets at Home the solid data foundation needed to use analytics and artificial intelligence to inform more customer-focused decision-making.

In our data fuelled world, Pets at Home have bold ambitions to more intelligently use data their customers share with them to create a better customer experience and make more customer-focused decisions. They created an analytics team, headed up by Chief Data Officer Rob Kent, to give the business the insights they needed. One of the first jobs they tackled, was understanding the data they had to begin with.

With over tens of millions of customers, they had a lot of data, but this was stored across a variety of siloed systems and departments; from their VIP customer loyalty programme, in-store purchases and online purchases, Vets for Pets customers, to Groom Room customers. To turn this disparate data into meaningful insights, they needed to remove the silos and create the ability to view and analyse interlinking data from across the business. Not only that, but they needed to ensure the quality of data that were bringing together and have confidence in its accuracy.


Creating the Single Customer View – Infoshare’s “sweet spot”

We were chosen to deliver the accurate single view of all pets (and their owners) from across their entire pet care ecosystem. This gave the analytics team an accurate data foundation to underpin the analytics platform they used to provide insights to the wider business.

Infoshare Sales Director, Richard Onslow said, “Our job was to provide Rob and the team with a solid data foundation, sourced across 450 stores, many with joint venture veterinary services and grooming salons. From here, the analytics team do their magic to best serve their customers and pets.”

On choosing Infoshare for the job, CDO Rob Kent said, “From prior experience of working with Infoshare, I knew they could handle the complexity that we were bringing to the table. There are a range of companies on the market that say they can give a 360-degree view of the customer; but most will only focus on the simple exercise of linking digital identifiers such as email address. The complexities of this project meant linking a hybrid of traditional and digital identifiers in multiple different formats: that is Infoshare’s sweet spot.


Accurate data as a foundation for advanced analytics and achieving business goals

As a result of establishing and maintaining the accurate single view, the analytics team were able to create the analytics platform needed to gather the vital customer insights they were after. They now have confidence that the data being analysed is accurate and kept up-to-date, and so can trust the insights their analytics deliver.

pets under a blanket

Rob Kent added, “When your ambition is to use data to better serve your customers, you can only do that if you understand them using the data the customers share with you. Having easy access to everything you know about the pet is the way to give the best service to the pet: making sure they get the right treatments at the right time and ensuring they know the full range of services we can provide, such as prescriptions to make sure they never miss their medication.”


To find out more about how we created the Single View of Pets for Pets at Home, check out the case study.