If you can’t find the answer to your question in the FAQ section below, please click here to email us or call the support team on:
+44 (0) 208 481 4760
Our Support Team is available from 9:00 am until 5:30 pm, Monday to Friday (excluding Bank and Public holidays). Other services provided by the Support Team include:
- Training and Consultancy
- Bureau services
- Expertise in address cleaning and UK address gazetteers
- Expertise in data quality, entry matching and single view
Frequently asked questions
Is the address gazetteer BS7666 standardised?
Yes the Gazetteer is BS7666 standardised.
What types of gazetteer data are accepted by ClearCore?
All main sources of UK gazetteer data are accepted and custom flat file layouts can also be configured.
Is it possible to set up multi field logical rules in ClearCore?
Yes it is possible to set up multi field logical rules in ClearCore by utilising both python scripts and/or regular expressions.
What do we have to do if we do not wish to re-clean all of our data all the time?
ClearCore targets re-cleaning to new and affected records only. Previous records that have previously been cleaned and have had no changes are not re-cleaned. One of the ways in which ClearCore determines whether to re-clean a record is via the last seen date.
Can you see a golden view record set?
Yes, you are able to create a golden view as this is one of the primary uses of ClearCore 4.
If we confirm a change of name is legitimate can we flag this as a match?
Yes, after a manual match has been applied the new name will become a part of an entity (USN Group) and therefore will be used for future matching to the group.
Is ClearCore able to handle a compound key and is this configurable in ClearCore?
Yes ClearCore is able to handle a compound key. These are directly configurable in the ClearCore Interface.
Can ClearCore be installed on a single desktop PC?
Yes it is technically possible but ClearCore 4 is designed as an enterprise product so it is recommended that ClearCore be installed on one or multiple servers and accessed from desktop based endpoints.
Does the ClearCore 4 data preview intervene with the data format (i.e. how excel re-formats data)?
No. In Clearcore the data is treated as plain text therefore no formatting changes are applied to it.
Is CC4 able to match a mobile to a landline number?
Yes, this is possible as a value may be entered in the wrong field by the user.
On the mapping functionality of CC4, why is type greyed out?
At this stage the type has been already been set in the variable settings and is visible in the mappings for reference only.
On the mapping functionality of CC4, why am I not given the option for Phone mappings?
Unlike the Name object, there are not any phone mappings required. This is just a single object mapped to a single field therefore no further configuration is required.
Can you import/ export configurations?
Yes, you are able to import or export an entire project. Datasets or data feeds cannot be exported individually.
When carrying out second mapping, why am I getting an error saying it already exists when trying to create the mapping?
Check which data feed you have selected, this normally occurs if you have selected the wrong data feed that has already been mapped.
When processing, if you input from an ODBC can you then output to a file or does it have to be back to the ODBC source?
You can choose the output you wish to use independent of the input type used. An input of ODBC which then outputs to CSV file is standard functionality.
Is there a ClearCore Wikki I can access for answers to more complicated questions?
Yes, the Infoshare SharePoint Support site contains a Wikki where you will find answers and step guides to more complicated questions about all Infoshare products. You can also access software downloads . Contact the Infoshare support team for details.