Archives: August 2013

Data Quality process begins with business processes, not tools

We remain dismayed at some project owners who adamantly refuse to acknowledge the importance of data quality and blindly press ahead with BI projects, with the absence of a data quality initiative, regardless of the evidence pointing to the future risks. We would not necessarily agree that it is difficult to justify a sound business […]

Current Attitudes to Data Quality

This article is spot on for highlighting current attitudes to the whole data quality piece within organisations but we believe that there is a growing acceptance and, arguably, respect for the importance of data and we would argue that it is crawling up the agenda underpinning a lot of the MDM/DG projects being planned. Enterprise […]

How well is Cambridge tackling troubled families?

The Paul Stainton Bigger Breakfast Show investigates how well Cambridgeshire is tackling ‘problem families’, following the government programme launched in 2011, calling on councils to do more to help. The link takes you to the whole show, dial in to 1:06 to listen to the article.